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Scalar waves and Spooky2

The Spooky2 generator can be connected to the Tesla resonator in order to modulate the scalar waves and thus constitute a Rife machine.

To evacuate the interference carried by the electric network, it is necessary to ground Tesla resonator.

Resonateur Tesla RT1 & Spooky2
Générateur d’ondes scalaires RT1 relié à Spooky2 en mode autonome

With the use of a small 12V lithium battery, the assembly can be used anywhere very easily on its own :

Résonateur Tesla & Spooky2

Inspired by the book “The Tao of sound – Sonic Therapy for the XXI century” Fabien Maman, a revitalization program 9 octaves was developed with a La note at 432 Hertz. It consists of a crescendo series of musical notes played over a period of 9 minutes.

The first application of the program begins with a low level and a selection of harmonics to level 1. The level of harmonics will be increased gradually during the next applications.

I use this program to revitalize myself and continue to remove mercury from my brain. More information here.

The first time I used this program, I felt the first few hours an increase in my vital force followed by a “detox” effect the following 3 days. This increase in vitality is continued over 2 to 3 weeks.

So I applied the program a second time a month later with a harmonic level of 2.

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